Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Whoa Baby!

Addison Lila is a tiny, perfect little thing. Though we had a whirlwind trip to NY, we were able to spend many hours holding this 6lb 8oz. baby who is barely as long as Bryan's forearm. We loved every minute.

Proud big sister, Lauren

Some day she'll be able to hold Uncle Bryan's hand

And, I had a chance to brush up on my fairy tales as I told one after another to Lauren. I realized 1/2 way through "Jack & the Beanstalk" that I had no idea what Jack takes each time from the giant. I had a vague notion of a goose that laid golden eggs and a magic harp, but I had to throw in a giant apple and a stylish hat to complete the story. And, as I sent Jack down the beanstalk with the giant hot on his heels, and he started chopping it down, I realized that I had to dispose of the giant somehow. As I explained that the giant fell off the stalk and bumped his head, thereby knocking him out, Lauren helped me with, "the giant was dead." Yeah, the giant was dead. Fairy tales are pretty dark and you have to have a solid 4-year-old heart to stomach them.

1 comment:

Kate said...

She is super cute! YAY!! Congrats!
xoxox, Kate