Thursday, May 24, 2007

Trivia and a Baby

This week's trivia started out with a bang. Our team tied for the top spot in the first round (there are 6 total) and we felt confident that this was the night that we could take the whole thing. However, we missed a few we should have gotten and totally tanked in the last round and finished 6 points behind the leaders, getting a 42 (out of 60).

Some of the questions I took:
*Stauffer’s is owned by what corporation?
*Who was the first author to write a novel about invaders from another planet?

Some we should/could have gotten:
*How many lives does a cat have?
*What is the most common dog name in America?
*What is the name for a positive electrode?
*What American president started the Peace Corps (I was the one who argued for the wrong answer for this one)?
*Spending 22 hours of the day asleep, what is the laziest animal?

Clearly we need a zoologist or Nature Channel-watcher on our team.

In exciting family news, we have a new niece, Addison Lila. She was born Wednesday morning at 8:30 AM and weighed in at 7 pounds. Her big sister, Lauren, chose her middle name and contrary to popular culture, Addison’s parents do not have cable and watch zero tv so I don't think it's an homage to “Grey’s Anatomy” – they just really liked the name. We head to New York on Friday to meet her.

H.G. Wells
1, yes we put 9 against Bryan's better judgement – drat trick questions
John F. Kennedy (I could have sworn it was LBJ)
koala bear


Anonymous said...

Like the new blog, but some inconsistencies: Kristen Loves Grey's Anatomy and I think Lila is spelled without the "h." Keep posting...see you soon :)

Bryan said...

Not so much inconsistencies, then, as errors.

Despite the team "guessing" that a cat actually has nine lives, I neither quit nor broke anything. I assume my medal and/or cookie is in the mail.

Chris said...

COngats on the new addition to the family!