Sunday, May 20, 2007

Project Shave

This weekend brought the hubby home from his UW conference in Pittsburgh. Though the weather was anything but summer-like, he had decided to shed the winter fur from his face. I took a series of photos that can be seen in my Snapfish album of Project Shave. I did date this man without a beard, but I hadn’t realized how very used to the scruff I had become. I now look 10 years older than him, but he is enjoying the feel of the wind on his face.

A sampling:


Rocking 1972

The used car salesman/child molester look

After:my 18-year-old man


Chris said...

The "Rocking 1972" look is also very remniscent of a late 1070's "Goose" Gossage look.

Anonymous said...

I think this is the funniest thing I've ever seen. The transformation between car saleman to 18 yr. old is too much--Gary and I got a good laugh.