I really do love the concept of this, my homeland, so I probably shouldn't belittle this holiday. I mean, I am thrilled that we won our independence from England and I heart fireworks, and grilled meat, but it is tough to rally around this holiday when I feel so angered and betrayed by the administration. Here is a great website, Crooks and Liars that I visit and I think that they just say it better than I could, especially the post about impeachment.
I look forward to the day when this country is not being controlled by liars and cheats who think it is okay to do what they want, the people be damned. I believe in democracy. I was not thrilled when my candidate of choice was not elected, but I guess I naively believed that the candidate chosen would do his best to serve the needs of as many people as possible throughout the entire country. Instead, he rewards his friends and covers his own ass while doing whatever he pleases to push an agenda of the few.
I think Independence Day should be a day when more of us buy dartboards and affix Bush's face to them. It's also nice to celebrate the fact that food tastes great when applied to fire.
While I totally agree with your take - I say let's leave the Bush-wacker on the dart board and toss the dartboard into the bonfire...then enjoy the fireworks, grilled meat, and a cold beer.
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