Friday, June 15, 2007


Speaking of rainbows...

I am proud of the legislators in my home state for protecting the decision that allows people to live their lives as they'd like.

When the head of the Mass F@mily Insti tute says "it's certainly a setback," I kick my heels together in glee. The idea that people can define a family as one thing is absurd and insulting. A lot of my life was spent with a non-traditional family life and I have not gone on to bite the heads off animals. Why it matters to Bible-thumping conservatives how people conduct their business INSIDE their own homes is beyond me. Especially when some of those same thumpers are not so clean and "holy" behind their own doors (I'm looking at you, Ted Haggard).

From the Boston Globe: "Isaacson, cochairwoman of the Massachusetts Gay and Lesbian Political Caucus and its chief legislative lobbyist, said the amendment's defeat is a "monumental and historic moment" that not only marks a crushing setback to gay-marriage opponents in Massachusetts but also to conservative forces across the nation.

"This was the battleground; our opponents considered this to be ground zero," said Isaacson, referring to Massachusetts' status as the first and only state in the nation to sanction gay marriage.

Guerriero, a former Republican legislator from Melrose who is now executive director of Gill Action, a national political organization that promotes gay rights, said the Legislature's vote has broad national implications.

"Every single state in America was looking at Massachusetts today for a message, and the message is clear, that this state's experience in marriage equality has endured and thrived," Guerriero said." (Phillips/Estes June 15, 2007)

If the amendment had been put to the voters, there is a great chance it would have been overturned anyay, but I'm glad that this won't be the focus on the ballot in Mass in November 2008. Take that Karl Rove. Now if we could get some of this enlightened thinking to permeate northern Maine...


Bryan said...

"When the head of the Mass F@mily Institute says 'it's certainly a setback,' I kick my heels together in glee."

I take as much pleasure in the pain of others as the next guy, but in this case, shouldn't we save the gleeful heel-clicking for a day when no one makes it his or her primary political agenda to restrict basic rights from a harmless group of people?

Jill O. said...

Baby steps. Plus, it's fun to kick my heels together.