Monday, June 18, 2007


This weekend brought together a lot of Italians in one place. The highlights:

*Homemade wine. Almost 2 years ago, my cousin Jayne revealed that she had all of the original wine-making equipment from my great grandmother’s basement. This brought a flurry of planning to make wine “like grandma.” So they tried it. And it’s pretty good, but my cousin Jayne and her husband have continued to refine the process and they are now really good at it. They have even bought part of a vineyard so they can grow their own grapes and make more wine. A future wine-tasting was promised.

*Music. We’re Italian, there was accordion music. It was ethnic and good.

*Food. See the Italian thing above.

*Whiffleball. A 4-on-4 game, my 2 bros on one team, Tall Guy and I on the other – a smattering of cousins rounding things out. Despite taunts from my brothers, I hit 2 singles, helped a rally that put our team up 5-1 and then closed out the 5th inning, striking out my cousin Erik to end the game victorious. Dingers!

*My younger brother/Slipping and sliding. My younger brother is a walking human party. It was hot, he thought that a slip ‘n slide would be fun. He went and bought one. It was fun.

*My family. Despite some lone crazies who try to bring down the enjoyment level, my family is not bad and I enjoyed seeing everyone and catching up. The old timers can still tell a story. My mother can definitely take a joke. And at the end of the day, it can be nice to reconnect. And then to go home until next year.

the four (of 7) remaining "greats"

having "cosmos" with my adorable niece

i hope he never grows up

call it a tie

1 comment:

Chris said...

That was fun to read and the pics are hysterical, and that boy is for sure a walking party.

I spoke to LJ this morning and heard about the party so it was even more fun to hear your take and see the pics.