Monday, August 6, 2007

sign of the apocalypse?

No W hasn't told the truth, nor has Britney won "mother-of-the-year," but I'm pretty sure it's sleeting outside right now! I know that I live in Maine, but c'mon Mother Nature, what the fuck?! It's darker than dick cheney's heart outside and it's 4 o'clock. I'm sitting by the window, and I'm pretty sure that I'm gonna see the Wicked Witch of the West fly by on her broomstick any second now.


Anonymous said...

sun's a shinnin here, wish you were here. . .

Chris said...

Freaky weather patterns on the loose!

Noelle said...

If you've got hail in August, then I hate to see what you get in February!

cda said...

Darker than Dick Cheney's heart? I love the poetry!